Local File Inclusion is an attack technique in which attackers trick a web application into executing or exposing files on a web server… C...
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GraphQL se ha convertido en una herramienta indispensable en el mundo del desarrollo Web. En esta publicación, exploraremos qué es GraphQL… ...
Hey folks: I have a dilemma that I would like to run by you all. Assuming you are an employee of a company, and the company have a SaaS pl...
Deep Dive into breaking applications and chaining vulnerabilities to hack complete infrastructures. Continue reading on Medium » http://...
أعلنت @TCMSecurity قبل فترة قريبة عن اختبار وشهادة احترافية بعنوان: Continue reading on Medium » http://dlvr.it/T0VKJL
Wireshark: Network protocol analyzer. Continue reading on Medium » http://dlvr.it/T0RzxP
Burp Suite is a powerful tool for web application security testing. One of the key features of Burp Suite is its ability to extend its… Co...