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Good day,

I would like some advice from the community please. I have the job title of Cyber Security Analyst. I have been in the role for 4 months and was a Senior helpdesk analyst previously.

I spend my days monitoring tools such as Mimecast and Tessian while responding to phishing events. I call myself an email policeman. We have CrowdStrike as a managed service so threats are handled by their Analysts.

Essentially, I love technology and don’t want to stop being hands on. I want to learn but have no clear direction. If I stay in this role for two years all I will have is a CV entry with no hard skills.

Could anyone recommend a learning path for me? I am studying the Sec+ (already done net+ so will renew that) but find it very broad and just an exam dump.

Are there certs or courses which teach actual skills with follow along labs and such?

For someone who likes technology, building systems and making things work, am I in the wrong field completely? I was put forward for this role so felt it was silly not to take it (15k payrise)

Thanks! submitted by /u/The_RTX_Watchwearer
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